Wednesday 5 August 2009

Water runs deep

Day 3 of the self imposed retirement and I find myself wondering if the old grey cells can really leave me so quickly? My antics yesterday in my mad clean up (after some very messy plumbers) had me involved in a wellie clad clean up of the garage after I left the garden hose dripping everso slightly overnight.

Result - 1 semi flooded garage, 10 soggy packing boxes still unpacked from move over 3 years ago.

Remedy - expensive trip to Staples for clear plastic storage containers, frantic efforts to dry out precious memories and repackage, trip to tip with rubbish stored for long time.

Lesson learnt - don't leave a dripping tap - water has no consideration for personal possessions and will find the easiest route possible to travel its course.

1 comment:

  1. Or just dont embark on clean-ups? lol - I always find they are such a good idea at the time, but, always end with either a) more mess than I started with or b) a disaster of sorts...
